No - that's not a misprint.
I'm spearheading a campaign to get more home baked goods back into the lives of everyday people. Back to the cookies and milk after school. Back to homemade dessert.
Why? Lots of reasons.
- When you go to the store, the prices of muffins, cookies & cakes are astounding.
- The first ingredient in many store bought goods is sugar.(How can that be? I don't think I've ever seen a recipe that has more sugar then flour in it -so how can it be possible for store bought goods? A question to ponder another time....)
- Most baked items you buy at the store are full of junk. 'nuff said.
- Memories are made of cookies baking in the oven - not sitting in a package on the counter.
and you're good to go.
But you do need to set your kitchen up to make it easy.
Here's my idea for the day.
Store your flour, sugar and other baking supplies in glass canisters on display in your kitchen
- It's easier to bake something when you don't have to dig the flour out from behind the mountain of cereal in the closet.
- You can see when you're running low and it's time to restock.
- The canisters add to the "homeyness" of your home.
It's big canister - over a foot tall. Holds a five pound bag of flour with ease. I especially recommend Trader Joe's or King Arthur's White Whole Wheat Flour - all the nutrition of whole wheat without the heavy taste. Bakes just like white flour too! (Yes, I know I sound like Lucy in the Vitameatavegimin skit).
I keep sugar in another -
The sugar is in a smaller canister. I think I got all of these at Pier One over 20 years ago!
And they are simply stored on triangle wire shelves we put up in an unused corner. Works like a bakers rack - remember those? - but takes up lots less space. Also been there over 20 years. And those are the coffee pods for the Nespresso coffee maker behind the sugar. Love, love, love that coffee maker!
So - that's it. A simple idea - but one that works really well. Now go try it. And go bake the muffins. They're really good!
And anyone in the Madison, NJ area - I'm speaking at the Madison Library this Wednesday night - March 14th, 2012. Come on out and say hi - and get even more ideas on how to Get More Done While Having More Fun - my new motto.
be organized....evelyn
PS - Changes are-a-coming. Stay tuned for announcements and all sorts of new stuff!
P. P.S. - Speaking of new stuff - In addition to my once a week blog posts (leave your email in the box on the right next to the title if you want to get them automatically), I'm going to start sending out a quick happiness idea every Friday morning. Want to be in the club that gets them? Shoot me an email at: or leave a comment below.
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