Thursday, February 23, 2012

How to Display All those Flat Things - Once & For All! Have any like this?

You know what I'm taking about. Somehow, displayable flat things tend to accumulate in your home. The plate that was Great Aunt Martha's. The postcard from that fabulous vacation. The plaster plaques that get made at birthday parties. Those clay fish the kids make in school.

You prop them up. They fall down. They sit on your kitchen window sill. The languish on top of the dryer. It seems like you are always moving them from point A to B.

I have a solution.

It's easy & low cost.

It will solve the problem.

What is it you ask?

It's all those corks that you've saved from wine bottles. Yes, those that are clogging up your kitchen drawer.

Time to take them out and make them earn their keep.

see...easy to add!
All you have to do is hot glue them to the back of the plate/postcard/plaque/fish.

The cork acts as a stand, making it easy to display the object without fear of it falling over.

Here's an example.

Two clay fish made by two of my children.

Flat - they take up space. With a cork glued to the back, they can stand up and be seen.
He stays vertical!

Now they swim happily!
Go try it now. You'll wonder why you never thought of it.

Happy displaying!

be organized.....evelyn

P.S. - Hey - I'm starting something new! In addition to my once a week blog posts (leave your email in the box on the right next to the title if you want to get them automatically), I'm going to start sending out a quick happiness idea every Friday morning. Want to be in the club that gets them? Shoot me an email at: or leave a comment below.

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