Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Sand Pail List + an easy plan for the Best Memorial Day ever!

Summer is quickly approaching here in the north east, and with that comes the annual question of "what are we going to do this summer?" I don't know how it works in your house, but around here we always start with big plans, lots of ideas, and by the time the beginning of July rolls around, no one can remember anything they had wanted to do!

I used to write ideas down on a piece of paper, but it never seemed to live up to the excitement that summer promises. Then I graduated to a book, but again it never seemed quite right. Recently I discovered something that seems j-u-s-t right! (thanks Better Homes & Gardens for the idea!)

Presenting ..........

The Sand Pail List!

Think Bucket List - but for the summer. Sand Bucket List would also work, but there's something a bit morbid about that.......

So, Sand Pail List it is! Summons up feelings of playfulness, childhood and endless fun - just what summer should always be.

Here's how it works -
  1. make yourself a colorful cover - draw, paint, download - whatever. I did this one on Printshop.
  2. put a few blank pages inside - no more then 4 - you don't want to overwhelm yourself!
  3. gather the family and ask them - "what types of things would you like to do this summer?"
  4. write them down in the book - no particular order.
  5. keep the book somewhere handy  - I keep ours in our "treasure chest" for easy updates and check offs.
  6. once a week, schedule some time to do something on The Sand Pail List! You can do more then one a week if you like - just make sure you get to some of them!
  7. no pressure to do it all - as long as you do some, the summer will be a success!
  8. next fall, look back and remember all you did this summer in the name of fun.
If you happen to be hosting a party this Memorial Day weekend, make a few extra blank copies for your guests. They'll love it - and summer needs to be spread around! Bring back the fun!

be organized.....evelyn

PS - If you have no plans for the long weekend - here's my plan for the BEST Memorial Day Ever!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

How To Organize a Bedroom with Little Furniture

Short, sweet and to the point today - How To Organize a Bedroom with Little Furniture.

Okay, I look like I'm living in a cave in this video, but ignore the surroundings - the info is golden.

Even if you use just one of the ideas presented here, your morning routine will go better. I promise.

Woo hoo ! After many, many days of rain - the sun is finally shining!!!!!!

be organized........evelyn

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Think You Know How to Tie Your Shoes? Think Again! Shoe Tying 101

It's the little things in life that drive you crazy. Like tying your shoelaces, only to have to tie them again a few hours later.

Always drove me crazy.....until I discovered how to "beat" the shoelaces once and for all.

Now, this isn't an earth shattering blog post, but it does make your life just  a bit easier,,,,,and that's my goal.

shoe - regular laces

Problem: shoelaces that always untie like magic - especially those round ones that are on all athletic shoes nowadays.


1.tie an overhand knot at the end of each lace.

see the knots?

2. tie the shoe like you normally would, but pull the laces all the way through until you reach the knots you just tied. Normally you would only pull about half way, but instead, just keep pulling. The knots will stop the laces from pulling all the way through and out. Hard to explain, easy to do.

pulled all the way to the ends

3. tie another knot with the laces, i.e. a double knot.

tied once and for all!

That's it - you're done!

The action of pulling the laces all the way through to the knots is what keeps the knot from untying.

Don't knock it until you've tried it. Won't save you a ton of time every day, but it will save you a ton of frustration.

And yes, that is a really large (men's size 12) blue sneaker with hippos on it. Anyone else have a teen boy who's really into pop culture? Anyone?

be organized......evelyn

P.S. - Hey - I'm starting something new! In addition to my once a week blog posts (leave your email in the box on the right next to the title if you want to get them automatically), I'm going to start sending out a quick happiness idea every Friday morning. Want to be in the club that gets them? Shoot me an email at: or leave a comment below.